- Prof.
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Professor (Dr.) Vilas M. Salokhe, obtained B. Tech. (Agri. Engg.) degree with a Gold Medal from the Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, India in 1974; Master of Engineering (Agriculture) with distinction from Sukhadia University, Udaipur, India, in 1983; and Doctor of Engineering from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand in 1986. He started his academic career as Assistant Professor at the Mahatma Phule Agricultural University in 1974 and was promoted to Associate Professorship in 1980. He joined AIT as a Visiting Faculty in the year 1987, became Associate Professor in 1990 and full Professor in July 1996. Till December 2009, he was Professor as well as Director of the Unified Program at AIT. Since September 2010, he assumed a founding Vice Chancellorship of Kaziranga University, Assam, India and finished his term by July 2015.
Professor Salokhe has published his research work extensively through more than 320 papers published in international journals/conference proceedings and presented at various meetings. He has co-authored one book and edited 18 proceedings. So far he has supervised 24 doctoral students and 97 master students. He has worked on various institute committees. He organized 22 conferences/workshops/seminars and participated in 96 different conferences throughout the world. He also served as a consultant to FAO of UN, APCAM and other local and international projects. He has developed a collaborative program with a number of institutes in the Asia, Europe, and his former institute.
Professor Salokhe worked on the Editorial Boards of many reputed international journals. He was the Editor of the International Agricultural Engineering Journal. He is concurrent/adjunct Professor at the Jilin University of Technology, Changchun, China; Southern Yangtu University, Wuxi, China; Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, Beijing, China; Chiangmai University, and Kasetsart University, Thailand. He was the President of the Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering from 2000-2004. He is a Fellow of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR), Institution of Engineering (India), and Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers; Life members of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Philippines Society of Agricultural Engineers, Bangladesh Society of Agricultural Engineers. He is a member of the board of executives of the International Society of Bionics Engineering. He is Member of Executive Committee of AAAE and CIGR. Currently he is the President of the Asian Association of Agricultural Engineering (AAAE).
Prof. Salokhe's professional work has been recognized through receipt of various awards and honors. Notably among those are ISAE Commendation Medals in 1988-89, 1990-91, Packo Powar Award in 1994, Fellowships of CIGR, Institution of Engineers, ISAE, and is also recipient of Kishida International Award of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) for his outstanding contributions outside the United States.
For professional work, Prof. Salokhe has extensively traveled to many countries including USA, Canada, Germany, England, the Netherlands, Italy, France, Malaysia, Mongolia, Japan, China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Sweden, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Australia, Botswana, Laos, Cambodia and Poland.