Executive Board
The Executive Board of CIGR is composed of the Presidium and Members belonging to various Regional and National Associations together with corporate Members. They are elected for a period of four years and can be re-elected for one more period.
Member: Prof. Akindele Folarin Alonge
Department of Agricultural & Food Engineering, University of Uyo, P. M. B 1017, Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria 52003
TEL: +2348033603462 E-mail: akindelealonge@uniuyo.edu.ng |
Member: Prof. Remigio Berruto
Dept. of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (DISAFA) - University of Turin, Largo Paolo Braccini, 2 10095 - GRUGLIASCO (TO)
TEL: +39-011-670-8596 E-mail: remigio.berruto@unito.it |
Member: Prof. Zhi Chen
Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, No.1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing
TEL: 0000 E-mail: chenzhi1955@qq.com |
Member: Prof. Paulo Cruvinel
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento
TEL: E-mail: paulo.cruvinel@embrapa.br |
Member: Prof. Maksim Moskovskiy
Federal Scientific Agriculture Engineering Center Vim Russia
TEL: E-mail: maxmoskovsky74@yandex.ru |
Member: Prof. Seishi Ninomiya
University of Tokyo, Institute for Sustainable Agro-ecosystem Services (ISAS), Midori-cho 1-1-1, Nishi-tokyo, Tokyo 188-002, Japan
TEL: +81 42 463 1611 E-mail: snino@isas.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp |
Member: Prof. Tomas Norton
KU Leuven. Division Animal and Human Health Engineering. Kasteelpark Arenberg 30 - box 2456, 3001 Leuven, BELGIUM
TEL: +3216377531 E-mail: tomas.norton@kuleuven.be |
Member: Prof. Umezuruike Linus Opara
Faculty of AgriSciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. P.O.Box X1, Stellenbosch 7600, South Africa
TEL: +27 21 808 4064 |
Member: Prof. Adolf Rybka
Department of agricultural machines, Faculty of Engineering, Czech University of Life Sciences, Kamýcká 129, 165 21 Prague 6 – Suchdol, Czech Republic
TEL: + 422319981 E-mail: rybka@tf.czu.cz |
Member: Prof. Vilas M. Salokhe
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok (retired). Kaziranga University, Jorhat, Assam, India. Flat BF-1, Royal Gateway Appartment, Near Yallama Temple Kasaba Bawada, 416 006, India.
Member: Prof. Peter Schulze Lammers
Institut fur Landtechnik, Universitat Bonn, Nussalle 5, D-53115 Bonn, Germany
TEL: +49 2 28 73 23 89 E-mail: lammers@uni-bonn.de |
Member: Prof. Gajendra Singh
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
TEL: |
Member: Prof. Jeff Smithers
University of KwaZulu-Natal School of Engineering, Pietermaritzburg Campus, Private Bag X01, Scottsville 3209, South Africa
TEL: E-mail: smithers@ukzn.ac.za |
Member: Prof. Claus Grøn Sørensen
Department of Engineering, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Aarhus, Finlandsgade 22, 8200 Aarhus
TEL: +4522827547 E-mail: claus.soerensen@eng.au.dk |
Member: Prof. Fedro S. Zazueta
Agricultural and Biological Eng. Dept. University of Florida, P.O. Box 117345, Gainesville, FL 32611-7345
Co-opted: Prof. Tadeusz Juliszewski
Agricultural University of Cracow, ul Balicka 104, Pl 30-149, Cracow, Poland
TEL: E-mail: juliszewski@ar.krakow.pl |
Co-opted: Mr. Yoshisuke Kishida
Shin-Norinsha Co. Ltd, 7-2 chome, Kanda Nishikitcho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
TEL: +81 3 3291 3674 E-mail: ama@shin-norin.co.jp |