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Dr Tomas Norton is a tenured associate professor of Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) at the Department of Biosystems at KU Leuven, Belgium. He heads up the PLF research line in the research team of M3-BIORES (Measure, Model, Manage Biological Responses), which resides in the Division of Animal and Human and Health Engineering at Campus Arenberg, KU Leuven. His current research is centered on the development of PLF technology for animal health and welfare monitoring and management. He is PI and co-PI on collaborative National and International projects funded by the Belgium government, EU and USA. He coordinates courses on Measuring, Modelling and Managing Bio-responses and Sustainable PLF at the KU Leuven. Since 2018 he is chair of CIGR Section II, the chair of the Technical Board and member of the Executive Board. He is co-author of 80+ SCI publications, 50+ conference proceedings, 10+ book chapters and co-editor of one book. He is currently chair of Section II and Technical Board of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR). He is Editor-in-Chief at Elsevier journal Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. Associate Editor of the Cell Press journal Heliyon (Agriculture), Frontiers of Veterinary Science (Animal Behavior and Welfare) and Frontiers of Animal Science (Precision Livestock Farming). He is currently series editor for Springer Nature Book Series: Smart Animal Production and Springer Nature Encyclopedia of Smart Agricultural Technologies.
Links for more information:
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