Presidium page

The Presidium is charged with management of CIGR according to its Statutes and Internal Rules as approved by the General Assembly.

The Presidium takes care of the day to day management of the Association and is responsible for the activities carried out to reach CIGR's aims. It consists of the President, the Past President, the Incoming President and the Secretary General. After election by the General Assembly, the Incoming President serves in this function for a period of two years. These are followed by a term of two years as President and, finally, by another term of two years as Past President. The Secretary General is elected for a period of four years and can be re-elected.

2019-2024 Presidium Members

Incoming President: Dr. Stéphane Godbout

Research and Development Institute for the Agri-Environment, 2700, Einstein Street, Quebec (Quebec) G1P 3W8, Canada

CA Canada

TEL: +1 418-643-2380


President: Prof. Claus Grøn Sørensen

Department of Engineering, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Aarhus, Finlandsgade 22, 8200 Aarhus

DK Denmark

TEL: +4522827547


Past President: Prof. Seishi Ninomiya

University of Tokyo, Institute for Sustainable Agro-ecosystem Services (ISAS), Midori-cho 1-1-1, Nishi-tokyo, Tokyo 188-002, Japan

JP Japan

TEL: +81 42 463 1611


Honorary President: Prof. Remigio Berruto

Dept. of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (DISAFA) - University of Turin, Largo Paolo Braccini, 2 10095 - GRUGLIASCO (TO)

IT Italy

TEL: +39-011-670-8596


Secretary-General: Prof. Fedro S. Zazueta

Agricultural and Biological Eng. Dept. University of Florida, P.O. Box 117345, Gainesville, FL 32611-7345

US United States

TEL: +1 352 2731788; +1 352 3920371
