CIGR Auditors are elected by the General Assembly to control the financial management of CIGR, and to provide guidance on budgets and future finances.
2019 to 2022: Prof. John K. Schueller
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department - University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
TEL: +1-352-392-0822 E-mail: |
2019 to 2022: Prof. Peter Schulze Lammers
Institut fur Landtechnik, Universitat Bonn, Nussalle 5, D-53115 Bonn, Germany
TEL: +49 2 28 73 23 89 E-mail: |
2019 to 2022: Prof. XianSheng Zhang
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences Beijing, China
TEL: E-mail: |
2015 to 2018: Prof. Stefan Böttinger
Institut für Agrartechnik Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart. Germany
TEL: +49 711 459 23200 E-mail: |
2015 to 2018: Prof. Eiji Inoue
Kyushu Univeristy Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agro-environmental Sciences
TEL: E-mail: |
2015 to 2018: Prof. Naiqian Zhang
Kansas State University Department of Bilogical and Agri. Eng. USA
TEL: +1 785-532-2910 E-mail: |
2011 to 2014: Prof. Josse De Baerdemaeker
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department Agro-Engineering and -Economics, Laboratory for Agro Machinery and Processing, Kardinaal Mercierlaan 92, Kardinaal Mercierlaan, 92, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
TEL: +32 16 32 14 45 |
2011 to 2014: Prof. Taichi Maki
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, sukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8572, Japan
TEL: +81 29 853 2558 E-mail: |
2011 to 2014: Prof. Vilas M. Salokhe
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok (retired). Kaziranga University, Jorhat, Assam, India. Flat BF-1, Royal Gateway Appartment, Near Yallama Temple Kasaba Bawada, 416 006, India.
2007 to 2010: Prof. El Houssine Bartali
ANAFID, 2, rue Haroun Errachid, 10101 Agdal Rabat, Morocco
TEL: +212 37 77 13 20 E-mail: |
2007 to 2010: Prof. Josse De Baerdemaeker
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department Agro-Engineering and -Economics, Laboratory for Agro Machinery and Processing, Kardinaal Mercierlaan 92, Kardinaal Mercierlaan, 92, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
TEL: +32 16 32 14 45 |
2007 to 2010: Mr. Yoshisuke Kishida
Shin-Norinsha Co. Ltd, 7-2 chome, Kanda Nishikitcho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
TEL: +81 3 3291 3674 E-mail: |
2004 to 2006: Prof. Pierre F.J. Abeels
Vieux Chemin de Louvain 11, B-1320 Beauvechain, Belgium.
TEL: +32 10 86 68 97 E-mail: |
2004 to 2006: Prof. Yasuhisa Seo
Dept. of Bioenvironmental and Agricultural Engineering, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University, Kameino 1866, Fujisawa 252-8510, Japan.
TEL: +81 466 84 3690 E-mail: |