- Dr.
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He holds Ph.D from the University of São Paulo - USP in Irrigation and Drainage. He was a Visiting Researcher Scholar at the Institute of Sustainable Agriculture (IAS / CSIC) in Córdoba - Spain (2009) and at the Department of Land, Air and Water Resources (LAWR) at the University of California, Davis – UCDAVIS (2012-2013), where developed research on models of water resource management in irrigated areas, irrigation advisory service and micrometeorology applied to irrigation.
He worked as a Professor of Irrigation, Director of the CENTEC College of Sobral and Technical Manager of the Laboratory of Tests in Irrigation Equipment, laboratory that was accredited by the National Institute of Metrology-INMETRO. He is one of the founders of the Institute for Research and Innovation in Irrigated Agriculture - INOVAGRI, based in Fortaleza, Ceará. At INOVAGRI he was part of the organizing committee of several international events on irrigation and water resources. He was part of the executing team of several projects and among them we can highlight the Brazilian Institute of Science and Technology in Irrigation Engineering (INCT-EI), which is headquartered at ESALQ / USP developing projects in Brazil and other countries such as Spain, Italy, France, Chile and United States. Today, at the INOVAGRI Institute he participates in projects with international partnerships of several institutions in the Land and Water Engineering area. He was coordinator national programs of training in irrigation by the National Water Agency - ANA in 60 regions of irrigated agriculture in Brazil. He was Director of Agribusiness at the Development Agency of the State of Ceará-ADECE. Currently, he holds the position of Executive Secretary of Agribusiness of the Secretariat of Economic Development and Labor of the Government of the State of Ceará. He is a member of the several boards in Brazil and in the world.
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