- Prof.
Hubert N.
Last name:
van Lier
Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- 1944-1951 Grammar school (Oud- Gastel)
- 1951-1958 High School (St. Norbertus Lyceum ,Roosendaal)
- 1958-1959 Study Matematics,Physics and Chemistry, Tilburg College
- 1959-1967 Agricultural University, studyprogram: "Rural Land and Water Engineering"
- 1967 doctoral degree (Ir.-degree).
- 1973 PhD-degree :title dissertation : "Determination of planning capacity and layout criteria of outdoor recreation projects",Versl.Land.Onderz. nr.795: 157pp.
Professional carreer
- 1967-1973 Head section Outdoor Recreation of the Institute for land and water use research , Wageningen ,The Netherlands.
- 1973-1976 Projectleader projectstudy "Midden Brabant": a multifunctional study for the design of the reconstruction of a rural area.
- 1974 Visiting professor Department of Parks and Recreation , Michigan State University, U.S.A.
- 1976-1980 Associate Professor Rural Engineering , Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU)
- 1980-2000 Full Professor Rural Engineering, WAU
- 1981-1986 Chairman Department Rural Engineering ,WAU
- 1990-1996 Chairman Section Rural Engineering ,Dept.Spatial Planning, WAU
- 1991-1993 Chairman Department of Physical Planning and Rural Development, WAU
- 1996-2000 Professor in Rural Engineering and Land use Planning ; Chairman Land Use Planning group, Wageningen University and Rearchcenter (WUR).
- 2000 Emritus Professor (retirement).
many differant studies ;most important ones:
- 1967-1973 planning outdoor recreation projects
- 1973-1976 studies for the multifunctional design of a rual area
- 1976- 2000 several studies at the University of Wageningen
- the development of a planning methodology for rural areas(OPOL)
- rural land use changes (luc)
- energy and land use planning
- planning of ecological infrastruture ( projects in The Netherlands;USA and Argentina).
- 1974 : ISOMUL : International Studygroup on Multiple Uses of Land. Several books published on differant topics (see also ISOMUL-homepage
several ,such as :
- Chairman ISOMUL ( 1981-2006 ).
- Member (and chairman) section 1 of CIGR (since 1989)
- Chairman Board of Trustees of IPC Groene Ruimte (vocational training centre green spaces) (1982-2004)
- Chairman WIRO (working group planning outdoor recreational facilities)(1998-2010)
- Member advisory board International College "Larenstein" (1996-2001)
- Chairman Board Regional Cooperative Rabo-bank "Betuwe"(1996-2004)
- Member Editorial Board "Landscape and Urban Planning"(1994-2004)
- Member Advisory board Journal "Landwerk" (2000-2005)
- Member Editorial board e-journal CIGR (1996-2000)
- Chairman College of Professionals in Green Provisions in The Netherlands (2002-2010).
Visiting Professorships
several; among others:
- 1974 Dept. of Parks and Recreation ,Michigan University,USA
- 1978 Dept. Of Recr. and Tourism pl.,Texas A.and M. University,USA
- 1982 Dept of Planning and architecture, Texas Tech University ,USA
- 1986 School Rural Planning and Dev. University Guelph,Canada
- 1986 Dept.Land Use Planning,Washington State University,USA
- 1988 Dept. Geography and Planning ,University of Tsukuba ,Japan
- 1993 Tempus-Ewa Ring lectures ,Godollo university,Hongary
- 1995 Dept. Of Hydrology, Agr. University of Warsaw, Poland
- 1997 Member Visitation Cie. Tech. University Zurich,Switzerland
- 1997 Ehime University,Matsuyama,Japan on Invitation of the Japan Society for the promotion of Sciences(JSPS)
several (221) in the form of reports, publications in Journals,books (Isomul), chapters, proceedings etc. Most publications in the field of outdoor recreation planning( during first and shorter part of carreer) and on multiple land use planning (last and longer part of carreer)
- 1996 (june,28) Hubert N.van Lier; "Diplom for outstanding merits for the faculty of Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering ,Warsaw Agriculture University. Given at Warsaw, Poland , on the occasion of the 50-th year of the faculty.
- 1997 (march,24) Hubert N.van Lier : "Award for visiting professorship at the college of agriculture, Ehime University,Matsuyama,Japan.
- 1998 (febr. 2) Hubert N.van Lier "Honory member to trhe ofice of Vice-president of the International Commission of Agricutural Engineering (CIGR)"
- 1999 (july,20) Hubert N. van Lier:"Certificate of appreciation for outstanding service for editing the Handbook of Agricultural Engineering ,granted by the Amrican Society of Agricltural Engineering"
- 2004 Hubert N.van Lier : "Rabobank jubileuminsigne (scarf in gold)" received at the occasion of farewell of the chairmanship of the Rabobank "Betuwe"
- 2005 (april,29) Hubert N van Lier : "Royal Decoration : Knight in the House (Order) of Orange Nassau"