- Prof.
Last name:
Telephone (office):
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Four research sexenniums (last, 01/01/2016) and one transfer sexenniums (01/01/2020), 17 directed Doctoral Theses, JCR Publications 62; (Data from Web of Science) Total number of times cited :1406; Total number of times cited without own citations:1137; Articles cited: 785; Average number of citations per year 56.24; Average number of citations per element:19.53; h-index:23, first quartile publications (Q1):52
Part B. CV SUMMARY (max. 3500 characters, including spaces)
Its main research and teaching activities are related with the management of water and energy for irrigation in semiarid areas under water scarcity conditions. These activities have been carried out in an integrated manner with farmers, regional and local governments, and regional and national enterprises. Internationalisation has also been a priority, as demonstrated by the numerous relations with research groups in Latin America, the Mediterranean countries, Europe and the United States, among others. Regional, national and international dissemination of the research results at scientific and technical level has been carried out with the objective of increasing the transference of knowledge to the productive sector. The main research activities developed can be summarized as: development of Decision Support System (DSS) for the management of water and energy at plot, farm and basin level (crop selection, regulated deficit irrigation management, …); training and transference of tools and knowledge to technicians and farmers, mainly through the Irrigation Advisory Service of Castilla-La Mancha, which was managed by CREA since 1999 to 2015. These activities have been also developed during the participation in several EU projects as NIWASAVE, MERIT, DeSurvey, FLOW-AID and in the actual PRIMA projects SUPROMED (Sustainable production in water limited environments of Mediterranean Agro-Ecosystem) and FIELDS (Addressing the current and Future skill needs for sustainabilty, digitalization, and the bio-Economy in AgricuLture).
He is author of books and specialized monographs, generally in collaboration with other authors. He has more than 100 papers published (Agricultural Water Management, Agronomy Journal, Irrigation Science, Agronomy, J. of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, etc.) and has been director of seventeen doctoral thesis.
To carry out these tasks, a multi-disciplinary research group has been formed, of which it has been the coordinator until 2017, currently made up of more than eight doctors, to which the incorporation of young researchers must be added according to the needs of each moment. Funding for these lines of work has been obtained from the National and Regional R&D&I Plan, EU projects, contracts with companies and from the University itself.
He has lectured a lot of courses and conferences both national and international and is member of different Working Comities for the development of Standards about irrigation equipment such as CEN, ISO, UNE, etc.
He is member of different national and international associations related to engineering, irrigation and drainage: ASABE, CIGR, EurAgEng, ICID, AERYD, SEAgIng, etc.
Part C. RELEVANT MERITS (sorted by typology)
C.1. Publications (see instructions)
- Cervera-Gascó J., Montero J., del Castillo A., Tarjuelo J.M. and Moreno M.A. 2020. EVASOR, an Integrated Model to Manage Complex Irrigation Systems Energized by Photovoltaic Generators. Agronomy, 10, 331; (Q2)
- J.J., Martínez-Romero A., Léllis B.C., Tarjuelo J.M., Domínguez A. 2020. Effect of the optimized regulated deficit irrigation methodology on water use in barley under semiarid conditions. Agricultural Water Management. 10(3), 331 doi: (Q1) (10/87)
- López-Mata, E., Tarjuelo, J.M., Orengo-Valverde, J.J., Pardo, J.J., Domínguez, A., 2019. Irrigation scheduling to maximize crop gross margin under limited water availability. Agricultural Water Management, 223, 105678. DOI: (Q1)
- F.A Lima, J.I. Córcoles, J.M. Tarjuelo, A. Martínez-Romero. 2019.Model for management of an on-demand irrigation network based on irrigation scheduling of crops to minimize energy use (Part II): Financial impact of regulated deficit irrigation. Agricultural Water Management. 215, 44-54 Índice de impacto: 3.54 (Q1) (10/87)
- Nascimento A.K, Schwartz R.C., Lima F.A, López-Mata E., Domínguez A., Izquiel A., Tarjuelo J.M., Martínez-Romero A. 2019. Effects of irrigation uniformity on yield response and production economics of maize in a semiarid zone. Agricultural Water Management. 211, 178-189. Índice de impacto: 3.54 (Q1) (10/87)
- Lellis, B.C., Carvalho, D.F., Martinez-Romero, A., Tarjuelo, J.M., Dominguez, A. 2017. Effective management of irrigation water for carrot under constant and optimized regulated deficit irrigation in Brazil. Agricultural Water Management. 192, 294-305. 3.54 (Q1) (10/87)
- Dominguez, A., Martinez-Navarro, A., Lopez-Mata, E., Tarjuelo, J. M., Martinez-Romero, A. 2017. Real farm management depending on the available volume of irrigation water (part I): Financial analysis. Agricultural Water Management. 192, 294-305. Índice de impacto: 3.54 (Q1) (10/87)
- Moreno, M.A., Del Castillo A., Montero, J., Tarjuelo, J.M., Ballesteros, R. 2016. Optimisation of the design of pressurised irrigation systems for irregular shaped plots. Biosystems Engineering. 151, 361-373. Índice de impacto: 2.85 (Q1). Posición 13/83
- Izquiel A., Ballesteros R., Tarjuelo J.M., Moreno M.A. 2016. Optimal reservoir sizing in on-demand irrigation networks: Application to a collective drip irrigation network in Spain. Biosystems Engineering,147, 67-80. Índice de impacto: 2.85 (Q1). Posición 13/83
- Córcoles, J.I., Tarjuelo, J.M., & Moreno, M.A. 2016. Pumping station regulation in on-demand irrigation networks using strategic control nodes. Agricultural Water Management,163, 48–56. Índice de impacto: 2,83 (Q1). Posición 13/83
C.2. Research projects
Title of the project |
Researcher in charge |
Grant (k€) |
Funding entity , project reference |
Period validity |
Sustainable production in water limited environments of Mediterranean agro-ecosystem (SUPROMED) |
A Dominguez |
325 |
PRIMA- EU GA-1813 |
2019-22 |
Addressing the current and Future skill needs for sustainabilty, digitalization, and the bio-Economy in AgricuLture: (FIELDS) |
M Rodrigo |
108 |
2020-23 |
Mejora de la productividad del agua en las explotaciones agrícolas para su sostenibilidad ante el cambio climático |
A Dominguez |
112 |
Consejería de Educación C y D. JCCM |
2020-22 |
Mejora de eficiencia en el uso de la energía y agua de riego mediante minilisimetros y riego deficitario |
A Dominguez J.M. Tarjuelo |
72,6 |
AGL2017-82927-C3-3-R |
2018-20 |
Tecnologías innovadoras para mejorar la eficiencia en el uso del agua y energía en el regadío |
J M Tarjuelo MA Moreno |
187 |
AGL2014-59747-C2-1-R |
2015-18 |
Desarrollo de sistemas de ayuda a la toma de decisiones para la planificación y gestión del agua y la energía |
J.F. Ortega |
91 |
PEII-2014-011-P |
2014-16 |
Acciones para la mejora de la eficiencia energética en el regadío |
J M Tarjuelo |
133 |
AGL2011-30328-C02-01 |
2012-15 |
C.3. Contracts, technological or transfer merits
Title of the contract |
Researcher in charge |
Grant (k€) |
Funding entity , project reference |
Period ofvalidity |
Herramienta básica de programación del riego en parcela como ayuda en la gestión del riego |
A Dominguez |
20,5 |
VYR S.A. |
2019 |
Desarrollo de la plataforma WEB-SIG-MP para la gestión del regadío de la comunidad de regantes (UCTR130028) |
J M Tarjuelo |
15 |
CR Martinez Parras |
2017-18 |
Desarrollo de una escala cromática para la clasificación por color del ajo morado de Las Pedroñeras |
A Domínguez |
18 |
Coopaman SCL |
2018 |
Efecto del manejo del cultivo y de la cosecha sobre la intensidad del color del ajo morado de Las Pedroñeras |
A Domínguez |
18 |
Coopaman SCL |
2017 |
Servicio de asesoramiento al regante en Castilla-la Mancha: campañas 2012 a 2014 |
J M Tarjuelo |
151 |
Consejería de Agricultura (JCCM) |
2012-14 |
C.4. Patents
C.5, International guest lectures (recent years)
- Advisory Services for Irrigation in Spain: water and economic efficiency. INOVAGRI Meeting Virtual. XXIX CONIRD Congresso Nacional de Irrigaçao e Drenage. December 07 to 11th 2020. Fortaleza. Ceará, Brasil
- ao presurizada e eficiencia da irrigação: novas tecnologias e modelos de testao da agua. Seminario Brasil-Espahha de agricultura irrigada. 25-26/06/2019 Fortaleza (Brasil)
- Good agricultural practices to improve the water use efficiency. IV Inovagri International Meeting. October 02 to 06th 2017. Fortaleza. Ceará, Brasil
- Agua y desarrollo sostenible. 5º Simposio internacional de Microbacias Hidrográficas. 6-9 de junio de 2017. FCA- UNESP. Botucatu, Brasil.
- Herramientas e indicadores para la evaluación de la eficiencia del uso del agua y la energía en el riego. 5º Reunión Internacional de Riego “Uso eficiente del agua para riego”, realizada. INTA-Manfredi, Cordoba, Argentina. 26 y 27 de octubre de 2016.
- Diseño y manejo del agua y la energía en sistemas autopropulsados de riego por aspersión. Jornadas técnicas sobre problemática de sistemas de riego con máquinas pivot. Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de la Republica y Ministerio de Ganadería Agricultura y Pesca. Montevideo, Uruguay, 16-20 de mayo de 2016.
- Herramientas e indicadores para la evaluación de la eficiencia del uso del agua y la energía en el riego. Convención Internacional de Ingeniería Agrícola 2016. Instituto de Investigaciones de Ingeniería Agrícola. Villa Clara, Cuba, 22-25 de marzo de 2016
- El regadío: infraestructuras, buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas. Reunión de expertos nacionales e internacionales. Proyecto estratégico institucional “uso sostenible del agua de riego en la agricultura”. Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo. Texcoco, Mexico, 4-6 de noviembre de 2015.
- Efficient energy management in irrigation. 3rd Inter-Regional CIGR Conference on Land and Water Challenges: “Tools for developing”. Colonia, Uruguay, September 27-30, 2015
- Experiencias de gestión eficiente de la energía en la agricultura de regadío. III Inovagri International Meeting , August 31th to 03 September, 2015. Fortaleza. Ceará,Brasil
- Estrategias para la elección del equipo de pívot adaptado a las necesidades del productor. 3º Seminario Internacional de Riego en Cultivos y Pasturas. Facultad de Agronomía e INIA. Paisandú (Uruguay) del 2 al 5 de diciembre de 2014
- Nuevas tecnologías para un regadío sostenible. I Congreso internacional Ciencia, tecnología, e Innovación para el Desarrollo sostenible. Universidad Señor de Sipán. Chilayo (Peru) del 11 al 14 de noviembre de 2014.
- . “Experiencias de Proeyectos Europeos de I+D”. Seminario organizado por CONCYTEC (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica). Lima (Perú). 10 de noviembre de 2014
C.6 Participation in international committees and representations
Title of Committee: Executive Board of the CIGR
Date: From January 2011 to December 2013.
Title of Committee: Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Agroingeniería (SEAgIng).
Integreted in : European Society of Agriultual Engineering (EurAgEng).
Date: From September 2009 to September 2011
Title of Committee: Chair of the CIGR Section I “Land and Water Engineering”.
Dependent entity: International Commission on Agricultural Engineering (CIGR).
Subject: Water management in agricultura.
Date: From January 2007 to December 2010
C.7 Experience in organising R&D activities
SPC-01: 15th Inter.-Regional Conference on “Land and Water management with limited availability” (EnviroWater’2012) dentro de la International Conference of Agricultural Engineering CIGR AgEng 2012, en Valencia del 8 al 12 de Julio de 2012
XXX Congreso Nacional de Riegos en Albacete, 12-14 de Junio de 1012.
VI Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería en Évora (Portugal) del 5 al 7 de septiembre de 2011
IV Congreso Nacional y I Congreso Ibérico de AGROINGENIERÍA en Albacete, del 4 al 6 de septiembre de 2007
- En ANEP desde 1998
- En el Ministerio de Educación (Ciencia y Tecnología) entre 2007 y 2020
- Centro Regional de Estudios del Agua. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, desde abril de 2001
- Curso Internacional de Técnicas de Riego y Gestión del Regadío (IRYDA, CENTER) desde 1993-2017,
- Master Internacional de Riegos y Drenajes (IRYDA, CENTER) desde 1996-2011
- Curso Internacional de Riegos. Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas. CEDEX. Desde 1999-2013.
- Constituent member of the working group "WG3 irrigation and drainage equipment" set up on 1 March 1995, coordinated by CENTER, also participating in ISO.
Member of the Ad Hoc Group on "Application rate" to complement ISO 11545 SC18 and CEN/TC144/SC1/WG2
Research keywords:
