- Prof.
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Since 1992 Matteo Barbari has been Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural and Forest Engineering of University of Firenze. In service as Full Professor since November 2005. Prof. Barbari has been head of Department of Agricultural and Forest Engineering (years 2003-2006; 2006-2009). Vice-dean of Agriculture Faculty (2006-2009), head of Department of Agricultural and Forest Economics, Engineering, Sciences and Technologies - DEISTAF (years 2010-2013), head of Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems - GESAAF (2013-2016). He is a member of AIIA (Italian Association of Agricultural Engineering), CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering), EurAgEng (European Society of Agricultural Engineering) and ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers). He has been scientific responsible of many projects funded from different institutions (ERA-NET SUSAN, Italian Ministry of University and Research, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tuscany Region, Emilia Romagna Region, different public bodies, private organizations). In the last years he is dealing with different themes concerning farm building. The main topics of the research activity are the following: animal welfare requirements in pig and cattle farms; outdoor pig production; swine housing; housing systems for dairy cows; design and building of simplified structures for poultry breeding; timber low cost solutions; systems for animal protection during hot season; reduction of environmental impact of livestock farms; GHG emissions from livestock farms; reuse of rural building; design of farm and agro-food buildings in tropics and sub-tropics; innovative technologies (GPS-GIS) for valorization of rural landscape. Prof. Barbari attended many conferences and workshops. The scientific activity of Prof. Matteo Barbari is documented by more than 300 published articles or papers.
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