- Prof.
Last name:
Education in farming with experience on different farms in Germany and abroad
2 winter courses in agricultural professional school
Administrator on a large-scale farm in South Germany
Ing.-agr. (B.Sc.) at Ingenieurschule fur Landbau in Nurtingen 1967
Diploma (M.Sc.) in Agriculture at the Munich University of Technology (TUM) 1971
Additional study on Science of Education at TUM 1973
Dr. in Agriculture (Ph.D.) with the thesis: "Labor Scientific Analysis in Cattle Systems"1975 at TUM
Habilitation with the thesis: "System Analysis in Dairying" 1989 at TUM
From 1975 to 1984 scientific specialization in the use of computers and electronics in Dairying at TUM with the main focus on animal identification, milk meters, concentrate dispensers, automatic data acquisition and data modeling
From 1984 scientific specialization in the use of electronics in plant production engineering at TUM
- First investigations with GPS
- First world wide use of GPS in combine harvesters and in forage harvesting equipment
- Initiation and establishment of standards for mobile electronic communication systems in DIN (LBS) and in ISO (ISOBUS)
- Development and test of automatic data acquisition systems
- Development and test of virtual land consolidation systems
- Development and test of electric drives in self propelled harvesting technologies
Assistance Professor in "Agricultural Mechanization" October 1978 at TUM
Associate Professor in "Agricultural Mechanization" February 1992 at TUM
Associate Professor in "Plant Production Engineering" at the Institut fur Landtechnik TUM in Weihenstephan in October 1996
Provisional management as Full Professor in "Agricultural Mechanization" at the Institut fur Landnutzungstechnik TUM in Weihenstephan in February 2003
Retirement in 2007
Since 2007 establishment of the "AgTecCollection in mediaTUM", an archiving and retrieval system of more than 45,000 pictures and more than 300 scriptures "Agricultural Engineering"
A total of 646 publications including
- 8 books/journal volumes edited
- 512 scientific publications (151 in English language, 52 reviewed, 72 invited)
- 134 publications with practical relationship
Honorary activities:
Chairman of DLG-Working group: Agricultural labor management and process control
Chairman of the German standardization committee "Agricultural BUS system (LBS) by DIN 9684"
German Representative in ISO for LBS and ISO 11783 (ISOBUS)
Chairman of SIG 16 in EurAgEng: Electronic Farm Communication
Chairman of VDI-MEG program committee of the international conference "Agricultural Engineering (Landtechnik)"
Chairman of Academic Advisory Board of "Leibnitz Institut fur Agrartechnik ATB", Potsdam-Bornim
Member of VDI-MEG-Working Group "Research and Education"
Member of VDI-MEG-Working Group "Work Science"
Member of VDI-MEG-Working Group "Young Fellow Promotion"
Member of Editorial Board of "Computer and Electronics in Agriculture (COMPAG)"
Member of Editorial Board of "Precision Agriculture"
Full member of "Club of Bologna"
Member of Section III of CIGR
1983 Thurn und Taxis Promotion Award Agriculture
1989 Max-Eyth Remembrance Medal of VDI-MEG
1996 Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
1998 Max-Eyth Remembrance Medal in Silver of DLG
1998 International DigiGlobe Award in the sector "Economics and Politics" from FOCUS/TELEKOM
2001 German Environmental Award of DBU (German Federal Environment Foundation)
2007 Precision Farming Award 6ECPA Skiathos (Grecce)
2010 Recognition Award EurAgEng
2011 CIGR Fellow