- Prof.
Last name:
University of Tokyo, Japan
- Born on April 1, 1935 in Tokyo
- Graduated from the University of Tokyo, College of Agriculture, Dept. Agricultural Engineering, 1959
- Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Mathematics and Physics, 1964, received Dr. Agri.
- Graduated from Michigan State University, Graduate Course of Agriculture, 1966, received Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Mie University, 1966-1977.
- Professor and Head of Laboratory of Agricultural Power, Energy and Machinery, Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Tokyo, 1978-1995; (Research and education on agricultural machinery and energy)
- Emeritus Professor, the University of Tokyo, 1995-present. (Research and advice on farm machinery and biomass)
- Professor, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University, 1997-2004; (Research and education on biomass)
- Professor, Advance Research Institute for Sciences and Humanities, Nihon University, 2005-2010. (Research and education on biomass systems).
- President, International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR), 1997-1998; Honorary President (at present)
- President, Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics (JSAI), 1996-1998
- President, Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery (JSAM), 1992-94
- President, Japanese Agricultural Systems Society (JASS), 1989-91
- President, Japan Association of International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (JAICAE), 2000-2003
- Member of the Agricultural Academy of Japan, 1999-present
- Member of Accademia dei Georgofili (Agricultural Academy), Italy, 1994-present
- Member of the Executive Board, COSTED, Internal Council for Science (ICSU), 1997-2002
- Advisor to the National Research Projects, 2001-present
- Academic Award of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery (JSAM), 1976
- ASAE Publication Prize (ASAE), 1999
- Japan Prize for Agricultural Sciences (JSAS), 2001
- Honor of the Purple Medal (Emperor and Government of Japan), 2002
- UNACOMA Prize (CIGR), 2004
- PAWEES International Prize 2009
- Conferred an Order (Emperor and Government of Japan), 2010
Academic Publications
Osamu KITANI published more than 120 original papers and edited/contributed over 30 books. The followings are some of the main papers.
- Kitani.O.: Studies on the Optical Profilograph (II) - Measurement of the effect on the slight revolution of plow bottom on its shape (in Japanese), Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery (JSAM) 22(4): 119-122, (1960)
- Kitani.O.: Fundamental Studies on Tillage Machinery (I) - Basic consideration on soil stress in tillage and various kinds of tillage machinery (in Japanese), Journal of JSAM 24(3): 107-113, (1962)
- Kitani.O.: Fundamental Studies on Tillage Machinery (XI) - General discussion on new tillage method (in Japanese), Journal of JSAM 28(1): 26 -29, (1966)
- Kitani.O. and S. Persson: Stress-Strain Relationships for Soil with Variable Lateral Strain, Transactions of ASAE Vol.10, No.6, pp.734-741, 745, (1967)
- Kitani.O.: Stress Analysis in Furrow Slices by Means of Finite Element Method (in Japanese), Journal of JSAM, 37(2): 187-192, (1975)
- Kitani.O., I. Tajiri, et al.: Application Test of Underground Pipeline System for Automatic Cultivation, Bulletin of Facul. Agric. Mie Univ. No.53, pp.205-211, (1976)
- Kitani.O.: Einige Grundlagen fuer eine "pneumatische" Bodenbearbeitung (in German), Grundlagen der Landtechnik, Bd. 28, Nr.5, pp.204-207, (1978)
- Kitani.O., T. Okamoto, K. Imou, et al.: Studies on the Development of Farm Power from Solar Energy (I) -Development of solar pumping test system and its exergy analysis, (in Japanese), Journal of JSAM, 45(4): 475 -484, (1984)
- Kitani, O., K. Roy, M. Yoshida and R. Endo. Control of Water Environment of Plants using Waste Biomass, Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Ejournal. Manuscript LW 05007, pp.1-12, Vol. VII. November, (2005)