- Prof.
Last name:
Telephone (office):
Professor Emmeritus, Esc. T. S. Ing. Agrónomos (UPM) 28040-Madrid (Spain)
Born 10 Oct. 1941 in Madrid
- INGENIERO AGRONOMO, Esc. T. S. Ing. Agronomos Madrid; Jun. 1964.
- DOCTOR INGENIERO AGRONOMO, Esc. T. S. Ing. Agronomos Madrid; Sept. 1966.
- MASTER OF ENGINEERING, University of California, Davis (USA) Jun. 1969.
JAIME ORTIZ-CANAVATE, has been a professor in the Agricultural Engineering Department of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain) since 1975 to 2012. Previously he was a Professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia for 4 years.
He has been working in research projects and teaching graduate courses in Mexico (Univ. of Guanajuato, 1990-94), Cuba (Univ. of La Habana, 1989 and Univ. of Mor?n, 1991), El Salvador (Univ. of San Salvador 1987), Chile (Univ. of Concepci?n in Chill?n, 1994, Univ. of Magallanes in Punta Arenas, 2003) and USA (Univ. of California, Davis, 2007).
His publication record includes more than 50 JCR scientific articles, more than 100 technical articles, several technical and three academic books related to Farm Mechanization (very broad distributed in Spain and Latin America):
- "Técnica de la Mecanización Agraria." 1988, 3rd Edition. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid. 625 pags.
- "Las m?quinas agrácolas y su aplicación" 2012, 7th. Edition. Mundi-Prensa (Gr. Paraninfo). Madrid. 546 pags.
- "TRACTORES, Técnica y Seguridad" 2012. 2nd. Edition. Mundi-Prensa (Gr. Paraninfo). Madrid. 222 pags.
He has been a member of the ASABE for 40 years. He has been a member of the Club of Bologna since its founding in 1989 to 2006. He is a member of the Scientific Academy in Firenze (Italy): Accademia Ecomico-Agraria dei Georgofili since 1994, member of the Council of the European Association of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng) since 1990, President of EurAgEng from 1997 to 1999 and President of the Spanish Society of Agricultural Engineering (SEAgIng) from 2005 to 2007.
He has got several Distinctions of Merit by JAFMMA (Japan Farm Machinery Manufacturers Association) in the XIV CIGR World Congress in Tsukuba (Jap?n, Dic. 2000), by EurAgEng in the Congress AgEng'2002 in Budapest of CIGR, he was nominated "CIGR Fellow" in the XV CIGR World Congress in Chicago (USA, Jul. 2002) and received the Max-Eyth Gedenk-M?nze of the VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure) in the Congress "Agricultural Engineering - High Tech for Sustainable Agriculture" held in Hannover (November 2005).
Presently (up October 2013) he is Professor Emmeritus by the Polythecnic University of Madrid.