- Prof.
Last name:
- 1967 Diploma of Agricultural Engineer of National Institute of Agronomy (PARIS)
- 1967 - 2002 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry
Main actions during this period :- Author, with Roger Martinot, Chief Engineer of Agricultural Engeneering, Water and Forestry, of "La stabulation libre des bovins" (Loose housing barns). Publisher EYROLLES. This book (240 p) was edited in 1971 and has been translated in Spanish
- Various publications, under responsability of the Ministry of Agriculture, concerning housing of animals.
- Management of the subsides given by french government for building barns for cattle and sheep.
- Design of a farm for 1000 cows in Tunisy
- Design and planning, under control of the European Commission, of a financial system to help french farmers having animals to become in accordance with nitrate directive (mainly storage of enough volumes for retaining manure as long time as necessary to avoid leak of nitrates in the underground water),
This system was subtitled «Programme of agricultural pollution control». It started in 1992 and was ended in 2012 (total investments of 2 milliards €). - Editor-in-Chief of «farm buildings» part of the french Encyclopaedia of Agricultural Technics
- President of the building greenhouses regulation commission of AFNOR ( French Organisation of Normalisation )
- Professor of «farm buildings» at the CIHEAM (International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (13 countries)) at Zaragossa (SPAIN)
- Member of CIGR, section 2 (farm buildings and environmental structures) untill 1994, then member of the Executive Board CIGR until 2002. Author in CIGR Handbook (part I), President of the French Association of Genie Rural (AFGR) from 1992 untill 2002.
- 2002-2007 Ministry of environment
General Secretary of CORPEN (National Committee for lowering pollution caused by agricultural practices).
This committee produced various scientific and technical publications concerning pollution of water, soils and air by nitrogen, phosphorus and pesticides. This committee was under double authority of the Ministry of agriculture and Ministry of environment. During this period: design of a tax concerning pollution by nitrogen to be paid by all farmers (nitrogen used in fertilizers and food for animals). - 2008 -2015
Vice-President , then President in 2012 of SITMAFGR(association resulting of merging in 2002 of the SITMA (Society of Engineers and Technicians in Agricultural Mechanization) and the AFGR )