Event type:
The XI Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Agricultural Engineering Students (XI CLEIA, acronym in spanish) ensures a youth space whose main objective is scientific dissemination in areas such as: biotechnology, controlled environments, agricultural economics and administration, geoinformatics in agriculture, management comprehensive of water, agricultural machinery and mechanization, renewable energy, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, precision agriculture, post-harvest and soil use and conservation.
The organizers of the XI CLEIA; the Costa Rican Association of Agricultural Engineering and Biosystem Students (ACREIAB, acronym in Spanish) and the Latin American and the Caribbean Association of AgriculturalcEngineering Students (ALEIA, acronym in Spanish), sponsored by the University of Costa Rica, the Technological Institute of Costa Rica, the Commission of Agricultural Engineers of the Federated College of Engineers and Architects of Costa Rica we invite you to be part of the most importantevent for students of Agricultural Engineering at the Latin American level.
The XI CLEIA will be held in the city of San José, Costa Rica, at the Federated College of Engineers and Architects from July 26 to 30, 2021.
You can participate as speaker, panelist, stand owner or as a general participant of the congress. Currently, the call for receipt of research is available, ending on November 1, 2020. In addition, the XI CLEIA will have a special edition of the best scientific articles in the magazine TecnologĂa en Marcha of the Editorial Technological of Costa Rica; likewise, the proceedings of the congress will be published in the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR) in CIGRProceedings.org
The guidelines and template for the presentation of research documents can be obtained by completing the format this link:For more information plesewrite to info.xicleia@gmail.com or visit the congress page: www.facebook.com/XICLEIA2021/
We are waiting for you in Costa Rica!