Budi Indra Setiawan


  • Prof.


Budi Indra

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Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia


Born in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia on June 28, 1960. Working at IPB University since 1985. Specialized in Soil Physics, Hydrology, Irrigation, and Drainage. Completed undergraduate in Agricultural Engineering (1983) from IPB; Master (1990) and Doctor (1993) in Agriculture Sciences from the University of Tokyo. Division Head of Water Resource Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering since 2008. Acted as the Ministerial Expert for Agricultural Infrastructure (2015-2019).

Member of more than 10 scientific societies, among others, as Editor in the Journal of Paddy and Water Environmental since 2003; Commission Member of Land and Water Engineering Technical Section of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (2007-2017); Commission Member for the International Peat Society since 2010. Co-founder of the Indonesian Network of the System of Rice Intensification (2008); Founder of the Study Club on Irrigation and Drainage (2020). Received more than 20 recognitions including 5 patents, national outstanding lecture (2007), PII Engineering Award (2008), and PAWEES international Award (2010).

Involved in more than 20 research collaborations. Published about 120 papers in scientific journals and 200 papers in proceedings. Guided more than 170 undergraduate and graduate students.

Research interests in irrigation, drainage, rainwater harvesting, and water resource management. Consultant for water management in forest plantations since 2007.

Website: http://budindra.staff.ipb.ac.id

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