- Prof.
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Associate Professor of Rural Engineering Department of Évora University. Is graduate in Animal Science Engineering, Master of Science in Animal Production and got the PhD degree in Agricultural Engineering from Évora University, in 1997. The teaching activities are mainly in environmental control, energy and environment, waste management and animal housing design. Is supervisor of graduate, master and PhD students. Is the Director of Master’s Course in Agricultural Engineering. Is senior researcher of MED- Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development with involvement in several projects related with environmental control and farm buildings design, waste management, renewable energy and energy efficiency in agriculture and agro-industry and also in education projects (USAEE - “University Studies of Agricultural Engineering in Europe; a Thematic Network” of European Union Sócrates/Erasmus program; “PETER- Thematic Park in Alternative Energies. Program Interreg III A. European Union”; “Metodologies for emissions estimation in Portuguese pig production systems. Instituto do Ambiente. Portugal; ERABEE – “Education and Research in Biosystems (or Agricultural or Biological) Engineering in Europe: a Thematic Netwoork”, Erasmus Network. European Union. Is also the Coordinator of Évora University activities for East Timor. Was Director of Rural Engineering Department and Dean of Agrarian Sciences Faculty of Évora University, Chairman of the CIGR Working Group 1 “Animal Housing in Hot Climates”, Coordinator in East Timor of the cooperation program between portuguese universities and the National University, Coordinator of Post-Graduation (Master and PhD) of UNTL Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e). Belongs to several scientific and professional associations and is reviewer of scientific journals. Has published several papers in scientific and technical magazines and conference proceedings.
Currently is the Èvora University Coordinator of several projects as:
- Alentejo Circular – Promoção da Economia Circular nas explorações agrícolas e agroindústrias do Alentejo. Ref.ª ALT20-01-0853-FEDER-000023
- AWARTECH _ Animal Welfare Adjusted Real Time Environmental Conditions of Housing. Ref.ª ALT20-03-0247-FEDER-017962.
- ECO2CIR – “Proyecto de cooperación transfronteriza para la introduccion de la economia ecológica y circular mediante la prevención, mejora del reciclaje, de la gestión y de la valorización de residuos mediante la introducción de nuevas tecnologías y procedimientos, en las regiones de centro, Extremadura y Alentejo” financiado pelo Programa INTERREG Transfronteiriço da União Europeia (POCTE).
- GO-Efluentes - Efluentes de pecuária: abordagem estratégica à valorização agronómica/energética dos fluxos gerados na atividade agropecuária. PDR2020-101-031848.
- Is also member of the scientific team of Évora University in European projects:
- SAGRI – “Sustainable Agriculture”, Ref.ª: 575898-EPP-1-2016-1-EL-EPPKA2-SSA
- IDERCEXA – “Investigación, Desarollo y Energias Renovables para nuevos modelos empresariales en Centro, Extremadura y Alentejo”.Programa INTERREG Transfronteiriço da União Europeia (POCTE).
- SFARM – “Sustainable Farming” Ref.ª: 585814-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Has large experience in teaching and courses coordination at graduation, master and PhD levels and trainning actions in the frame of:
- Animal Buildings Design
- Animal Wastes Management
- Livestock and Poultry Enviromental Control
- Precision Livestock Farming
- Circular Economy in Agrifood sector.
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