Newsletter N° 125

Newsletter No: 


Newsletter Date: 

June, 2021

Newsletter appended date: 

Wednesday, 30 June, 2021


In this issue:

1. Invitation to the CIGR World Congress: Kyoto, Japan 2022
2. A look back at the 5th CIGR International Conference
3. Technical Sections Report
4. CIGR Workgroups Report
5. CIGR Journal Editor’s Report
6. New Workgroup on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
7. New Process for the Creation and Publishing of CIGR Handbooks
8. Courtesy CIGR Membership Awarded to Student Organization, ALEIA
9. AfroAgEng To Release Report on Agricultural Engineering in Africa
10. New CIGR Web Page
11. BDS Widely Used in Agricultural Mechanization in China
12. CIOSTA 2021 Held in Krakow
13. Modernizing the African Agri-Food System
14. Positions Available
15. Upcoming Conferences

• EurAgEng Conference. 4-8 July 2021. Evora, Portugal.
• XI Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Ag. Eng. Students. 26-30 July 2021. San Jose, Costa Rica.
• Safety, Health and Welfare in Agriculture-CIGR V Conference, Sept. 15-18, 2021, in Ragusa, Sicily.
• International Exposition of Machinery for Agriculture and Gardening, 19-23 October 2021, Bologna, Italy.
• XI Congreso Iberico de Agroingenieria
• Sustainable Energy for Sustainable Future. 16-19 May 2022. San Jose, Costa Rica.

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