In this issue:
1. Second Call: CIGR Incoming President Nominations
2. 2022 CIGR World Congress in Kyoto: Now face-to-face and online.
3. News from ASABE
4. From the EurAgEng Newsletter
5. CSBE-SCGAB Webinars
6. New Web Page: Working group on Rural landscape, structures and infrastructure planning and valorization
7. Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers 22nd Int. Conference
8. Attention! CIGR Journal Scam
9. 7th International College Students Intelligent Agricultural Equipment Innovation Competition, Jiangsu University, China
10. Job Postings
11. Professor Mechanical Engineering in agri-food automation and robotics, University of Leuven
Upcoming Conferences
• ASABE 2022 Annual International Meeting, 17-20 July, 2022, Houston, Texas, USA
• CSBE/SCGAB’s AGM and Technical Conference24-27 July, 2022, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
• VII International Scientific Conference on Conserving Soil and Water, 24-27 August, 2022, Borovets Bulgaria
• 11the International Drainage Symposium, 10 August-2 September, Des Moines Iowa, USA
• Sustainable Production Agrosystems With Water Scarcity (SUPWAS), 5-7 September, Albacete, Spain
• HAICTA 2022: 10th Int. Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food & Environment, 22-25 Sept., Athens, Greece
• 2nd International Conference on Research of Agricultural and Food Technologies (I CRAFT2022) 06-07 October 2022, Adana, Turkey
• Sustainable Energy for Sustainable Future. 24-26 October, 2022, San Jose, Costa Rica.
• AgEng-Land.Technik, 22-23November, 2022, Berlin, Germany
• CIGR World Congress: 5-10 December, Kyoto, Japan 2022