In this issue:
1. Announcement and Invitation to Attend the 6th CIGR International Conference
2. New CIGR Circular Bioeconomy Workgroup (CBE WG): Invitation to participate.
3. Third Call: Proposals for 2028 CIGR International Meeting Venue
4. AMAA Conference 2023: Imagining African Agri-Food Systems Looking Forward
5. Report on Ragusa SHWA, the International Conference devoted to the Safety, Health and Welfare in Agriculture and Agri-food Systems
Upcoming Conferences
• Int. Congress on Ag. Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture, 29 Oct.-1 Nov., Antalya, Türkiye
• The 2nd Global Evapotranspiration Symposium, October 23-27, 2023, Pennsylvania, USA
• World Agrifood Innovation Conference & World Agrifood Science and Tech Expo, Nov 2-4, 2023, Pinggu, China
• 25th ICID Congress, 1-8 of November 2023, Vizag, India
• 17th International Conference of the Hellenic Association of Agricultural Economics, 2-3 Nov., 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece
• 6th CIGR International Conference, May 19-23, 2024, Jeju Island, Korea.
• AgEng2024 International Conference of EurAgEng, 1-3 July, 2024, Athens, Greece