
CIGR publishes a quarterly Newsletter in English. It is also available in Russian, Spanish, and other languages' translations.

A quarterly publication, the CIGR Newsletter contains information on member associations, members, sections, working groups, future events such as congresses, seminars, symposia, workshops, etc. Furthermore it highlights new publications, lists publications that are available from CIGR and publicizes vacant positions.

E.g., 07/2024
E.g., 07/2024
Title Newsletter period PDF File Summary
Newsletter N° 117 June, 2019
Appended on 30 Jun 2019

In this issue:

  1. Working Groups Coordinator Message
  2. An Invitation to Join or Create a CIGR Workgroup.
  3. Call for Abstracts: 2020 CIGR International Conference
  4. Announcement of New Senior Editor for the CIGR Journal
  5. CIGR Journal Editor’s Report
  6. ... more
Newsletter N° 116 April, 2019
Appended on 30 Mar 2019

In this issue:

  • 1. Incoming President’s Message
  • 2. CIGR Workgroup Report
  • 3. An Invitation to Join or Create a CIGR Workgroup
  • 4. China National Agricultural and Machinery & Parts Exhibition
  • 5. CIGR Section III, Plant... more
Newsletter N° 115 December, 2018
Appended on 12 Dec 2018

In this issue:

  • President’s Message 
  • 2019-2023 CIGR Workgroup Coordinator
  • CIGR Workgroup Summary 
  • An Invitation to Join or Create a CIGR Workgroup
  • Harmonization of Higher Education in Agricultural/Biosystems Engineering 
  • ... more
Newsletter N° 114 September, 2018
Appended on 30 Sep 2018

In this issue:

  • Outgoing President’s Message 
  • Third/Final Call for Venue Proposals: 2024 CIGR International Meeting 
  • New 2019-2023 CIGR Auditors 
  • Perpetual Storage and Access to CIGR Related Conference Proceedings 
  • CIGR... more
Newsletter N° 113 June, 2018
Appended on 30 Jun 2018

In this issue:

  • President’s Message 
  • CIGR Strategic Planning Effort 
  • Invitation to the CIGR Strategic Planning Effort 
  • Second Call for 2024 CIGR International Conference 
  • XIX. CIGR World Congress Report 
  • Winner of the... more
Newsletter N° 112 March, 2018
Appended on 30 Mar 2018

In this Issue:

  • President’s Message 
  • Election of Prof. Chen Zhi to the CIGR Presidium
  • Results of the 2019 CIGR Incoming President Election 
  • Working Groups Report (2016-2017) 
  • CIGR Presidium’s Visit to China
  • Upcoming... more
Newsletter N° 111 December, 2017
Appended on 07 Feb 2018

In this issue:

1. CIGR News
2. CIGR suported Activities

Newsletter N° 110 September, 2017
Appended on 11 Sep 2017

In this issue:

1. CIGR News
2. Publications

Newsletter N° 109 March, 2017
Appended on 09 May 2017

In this issue:

1. CIGR News
2. CIGR Supported Activities

Newsletter N° 108 December, 2016
Appended on 24 Jan 2017

In this issue:

1. CIGR News 
2. News from Regional and National Societies
3. News from Sections and Working Groups
4. CIGR Supported Activities
5. Publications
